Eligibility to vote in the Electing Convention is determined by the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of California

Sep 26, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #FunFacts

Eligibility to vote in the Electing Convention is determined by the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of California, which are publicly available from both the DioCal and Diocesan Convention websites: diocal.org and diocalconvention.org; and the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church.

Lay eligibility

Lay Delegates for the Electing Convention

Congregational leadership (Vicars, Rectors, and Wardens) should be prepared to report their elected delegates and alternates as soon as possible following their congregational annual meetings for 2023. An online form is available for this purpose.

Clergy eligibility

All clergy who are canonically resident are eligible to participate and vote at the Electing Convention scheduled in December:

All canonically resident clergy are eligible and expected to participate at Convention, including:

  • All canonically resident clergy who are elected or appointed to offices of ministry within congregations or institutions of the Diocese up to 30 days prior to the Convention; DioCal Article VI – 6.2(a)(i)&(ii)
  • All canonically resident clergy who have the Bishop’s consent to work outside of the Church, provided they have filed their 2023 annual report on their ministry prior to the Convention; DioCal Article VI – 6.2(a)(iii) and TEC Canon I.6.2

    All canonically resident clergy not included in a parochial report of a church in the Diocese of California must complete the Report of Non-Parochial Ministry. Click here for more information about clergy whose ministries are not in parochial reports.

  • A list of all clerics eligible to vote will be prepared by the Bishop’s office well ahead of the Electing Convention. Any dispute regarding a cleric’s eligibility to vote will be resolved by the Convention after reviewing the recommend

  • All canonically resident retired clergy who, according to the Church Pension Fund, have retired or are on permanent disability leave from ministry within the Diocese. DioCal Article VI – 6.2(b)

  • All retired clergy are asked to complete a Retired Clergy Report.

A list of all clerics eligible to vote will be prepared by the Bishop’s office well ahead of the Electing Convention. Any dispute regarding a cleric’s eligibility to vote will be resolved by the Convention after reviewing the recommendations of the Committee on Credentials. DioCal Canons 2.01-2.03

If you have questions about your eligibility to participate in Convention, please contact Denise Obando, the Diocesan Canon for Transition Ministry (deniseo@diocal.org).

Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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